Monasteries in Northern Bulgaria
More than 15 preserved and active monasteries are scattered in the Danube plain.
Monasteries near Rousse
There are numerous rock monasteries in Northern Bulgaria, most of which are not functional at the present time. Many rock monasteries are situated in the picturesque valley of the Roussenski Lom river. Basarbovo Monastery is the only active rock monastery in Bulgaria and the Ivanovo rock monastery, which is about 25 kilometers away from the Basarbovo monastery, is included in the list of World Cultural heritage of UNESCO due to the extraordinary frescoes in the rock church “St. Virgin”.
Monasteries north of Varna
Two well-maintained in a good condition monasteries -“St. st. Constantine and Elena” in the coastal resort St. st. Constine and Elena and Botevo Monastery “St. Marina” between Varna and Dobrich, are located in the immediate vicinity of Varna. The newly-built Balgarevo monastery “St. Ekaterina” in the village of Balgarevo between Kavarna and Kiliakra cape is located to the north of Varna.
Monasteries in the region of Vidin
10 of the most popular monasteries situated in the Danube plain-the Albutinski rock monastery, the Izvor monastery, as well as those at the foot of the Balkan Mountain Range-the Klisura Monastery, the Lopushanski monastery and the Chiprovo monastery, are located in the region of Vidin.

Aladzha Monastery
The Aladzha rock monastery is situated only a few kilometers south of the Riviera Holiday Club sea resort and 2 km of Golden Sands seaside resort. It is also a part of the Golden Sands Nature Park. At present, the remains of 20 residential premises and three churches, which were cut out on two levels in the almost 40-meter high limestone rock and connected via an external staircase dug into the rocks, will fascinate the visitor.
monastery details
Ivanovo Monastery “St. Michael the Archangel”
Ivanovo Rock Monastery was established in the twenties of 13th century by the monk Yakim. During the whole period of Second Bulgarian Kingdom, the monastery had developed strong relationships with the kings of Tarnovo.In the 14th century Ivanovo Rock Monastery was a centre of Hesychasm. The monastery had survived until Bulgaria fell under Ottoman Rule and shortly after, but gradually it fall into decline. Nowadays the monastery is not functioning and it consists of 20 small rock churches, chapels, monks' cells, hewn into the rocks of the picturesque canyon of Roussenski Lom river.
monastery details