Monasteries near Russe
Rousse eparchy includes several monasteries which are situated in or near villages in the Danube plain near the Danube river and Roussenski Lom river.
Numerous rock monasteries and churches from the time of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom are situated in the valley of the Roussenski Lom.
Ivanovo rock monastery is on the list of the world cultural heritage of UNESCO because of the frescoes in the rock church “Virgin Mary”. The unique of its kind Basarbovo monastery “St. Dimitur Basarbovski” lies at a distance of about 25 kilometers from the Ivanovo cloister. It is the only one active rock monastery in Bulgaria.

Basarbovo Monastery “St. Dimitrii of Basarbovo”
Basarbovo Rock Monastery was established during the period of the second Bulgarian kingdom, but its name was mentioned for the first time in a Turkish tax register in 1431. The most famous resident of the monastery was St. Dimitrii Basarbovski.
monastery details